
How to Care For and Maintain Artificial Grass

Homeowners and businesses alike are familiar with what it takes to maintain a natural grass yard or common area.  The daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks include watering, mowing, soil amendments, fertilizers, weed and pest control, aeration, dethatching, seeding, patching, and more.  Artificial grass or Astroturf, as it has been famously called for decades, also needs care and maintenance, but not nearly as much as natural grass needs.  Although it is fairly simple, straightforward, and not very time-consuming to maintain artificial turf, there is still some care and maintenance needed for synthetic grass to look its best.  Even though synthetic turf is sometimes called fake grass, there is nothing fake about the time, money, and effort it saves versus taking care of natural grass. 

Caring for and maintaining artificial grass is a cakewalk compared to the time, patience, and expense of planting, nurturing, mowing, and weatherproofing that is needed to properly develop a natural grass lawn.  Artificial turf is so much easier.  Some tips for taking care of and maintaining a synthetic grass lawn or common area are listed below:

  1. Turf cleaning: Utilizing a leaf blower, rake, or a stiff brush, it’s good for synthetic turf to have any twigs, leaves, or other debris removed.  Not only does it help keep up appearances, but it also makes sure that stains or tears don’t have a chance of happening.

    This can be especially important after wind, hail, or thunderstorms hit and a lot of debris may have been knocked off trees and bushes.

  2. Stain Removal: Stains can set in quickly on man-made materials, even though artificial grass is fairly forgiving.  Treat stains promptly, if possible, so they don’t become permanent.  The use of a mild detergent mixed with water will generally take care of the stain if scrubbed gently with a soft brush or cloth.  Be sure to rinse the area thoroughly with water when finished.

  3. Rinse: Giving synthetic grass an occasional rinse with a hose and spray nozzle will remove any dust, dirt, pollen, or grime that may have settled on the surface and within the grass blades.  If pets frequent the area, a more frequent and robust rinsing may be needed to wash away built-up urine deposits since they can potentially harm artificial grass if left too long.

    Rinsing with water also removes any smell from urine, especially during warm summer months.

  4. Pet Waste: If pets utilize the pet turf, be sure to remove solid waste each week and rinse the area thoroughly where urination occurred, when possible, to prevent any odors.  A pet-specific artificial grass cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water is perfect for eliminating any unwanted odors.

  5. Weed Prevention:  Even though artificial turf is designed to be weed-resistant, a few weeds may occasionally sprout between the grass blades. Manual removal or weed killer can be used to eliminate any unwanted plant growth.  It’s always good to test an inconspicuous spot of turf for any chemical reaction to make sure the chemicals and synthetic turf are compatible.

  6. Turf Brushing:  By cross-brushing artificial grass or Astroturf regularly, the fibers will maintain their upright position and matting will be avoided.  A power brush, hard-bristled broom or a stiff plastic rake can be utilized for this purpose.

  7. Sharp Objects: Artificial grass is very strong and durable, but it can still be damaged.  By keeping sharp or pointed objects away from artificial turf, tears and cuts in the turf can be avoided.  Certainly, a game of metal pointed yard darts is not recommended in an area that enjoys synthetic grass.

  8. Chemicals: Harsh or caustic chemicals such as those that are petroleum based and found in  some pesticides or fertilizers can damage artificial grass fibers, so it is a good idea to test an  out of the way area of the turf first before using anything on the rest of the surface.

  9. Heavy Items: Avoid placing heavy equipment, furniture, or landscaping accents on synthetic grass for a long period.  This will help maintain the look of the grass.  Leaving heavy items on artificial grass surfaces for too long can lead to indentations and possible turf damage.

  10. Heat: Embers from fireplaces, grills or fireworks can all damage synthetic grass. Still burning cigarette butts can cause damage as well.  It’s a good idea to put a good size stone or brick apron around any grills and be aware of any reflection off windows that concentrate on a particular area on the artificial grass so reflection burning doesn’t occur.

  11. Inspection: Being aware of how the turf is worn is a great way to stay ahead of any potential problems.  Inspecting the artificial turf from time to time will head off any issues and repairs can be made before more damage occurs.
  12. Drainage: For synthetic turf to last as long as possible, proper drainage is important. If water pools for too long, additional drainage solutions may be needed to assist in proper water runoff.

  13. Cold Weather: If the synthetic grass will be placed in an area that gets lots of ice and snow, protection may be needed to make sure the turf doesn’t ice over and become a dangerous skating rink.  Plastic and ice make a slippery combination.

Through the implementation of the tips above, artificial grass can realize its maximum lifespan and maintain an attractive look for many years.  There is a definite difference between synthetic grass and natural grass; from the look – to the feel – and everything in between, but if a turf is desired that stays green year-round, doesn’t require sunshine, watering, mowing, edging, fertilizer, pest, weed or fungal control, aeration, soil amendments, dethatching, seeding, patching, etc., then synthetic turf may be the way to go. 

There is no doubt that artificial grass is a crowd-pleaser.  It is easy to maintain, lasts for many years, and is more durable and less messy than natural grass.  And in the long run, synthetic turf is much less expensive than professionally maintaining mother nature.

10 Artificial Grass Myths

After being first developed in the late 1950s by Chemstrand, a subsidiary of Monsanto, Artificial turf (then called Chemgrass) saw its first major installation inside the Houston Astrodome in 1965 since natural grass wouldn’t successfully grow under a domed roof.  Subsequently, Chemgrass was referred to as Astroturf in honor of its first large scale installation in the Astrodome.  

Some artificial turf myths still resonate from the ’60s and ‘70s when the turf was made a lot different than it is manufactured today. In today’s synthetic turf industry, there are hundreds of turf varieties to choose from depending on the project need and customer preferences.  There is short and long blade turf, varying densities, colors, shades, textures and softness levels. Today’s scene is a far cry from the one or two styles available fifty years ago.

Some of the more persistent synthetic turf myths include the belief that artificial turf doesn’t drain well, that it is bad for the environment or that all artificial turf is the same.  Each of these myths is completely untrue, and in fact, the truth is the complete opposite as you will read below in the 10 most popular artificial turf myths currently circulating in the public landscaping sphere.

1. Artificial Turf is Only for Sports

This is a classic argument left over from the 1960s. Back then, artificial turf was used primarily for sports venues, even though there were some school applications. In today’s world, this myth has been shot full of holes.  Many artificial turf applications aren’t sports-related anymore and run the gamut from custom playground surfaces, dog parks, runs, and kennels, commercial landscapes, home yards, pool areas and other unique applications to balcony and rooftop installations.  Artificial turf is being utilized for additional types of projects each year.

2. It’s Bad for the Environment

Artificial turf is actually GREAT for the environment. It’s hard to believe this myth ever got started in the first place since it’s as far from the truth as one can get. Artificial turf doesn’t require smelly gas mowers to mow it every week.  The EPA says that running a gas mower for an hour will contribute as many noxious fumes as driving a car for 100 miles!  And artificial grass doesn’t require herbicides, pesticides or fertilizer that can harm beneficial insects and our environment when chemicals wash into our watersheds.  And replacing just 1900 sq. ft. of natural grass with artificial grass will save 100,000 gallons of water a year!  It’s even a good erosion preventative.

3. More Injuries are Caused by Artificial Turf

Multiple studies over a five year period in Sweden and Norway where players were followed and examined during that period show that playing or exercising on artificial turf resulted in no more injuries than playing on natural turf.  And studies performed by FIFA, soccer’s governing body, also found that there was no discernible difference in injury rates between playing on artificial turf versus natural turf.  

4. All Artificial Turf is the Same

When Chemgrass was first developed in the late 1950s and then renamed Astroturf in the mid-’60s, this myth was indeed a reality. But in the last 50 plus years, the artificial turf industry has come a long way in developing hundreds of different artificial turf varieties.  The latest varieties of artificial grass offer various colors, grass blade lengths, densities and multitudes of uses for the turf.

5. It Doesn’t Drain as Well as Natural Grass

This is another myth that originated in the ’60s and ’70s.  Back then artificial turf had some difficulties draining average to large amounts of water if inundated with moisture too quickly.  That issue has long since been remedied and, in fact, artificial turf base systems are now engineered to such a degree that they can often drain up to 30 inches of rain/hour/ per sq. ft. This is much more than natural grass and soil can typically drain.

6. Artificial Turf is Too Expensive

The upfront cost for artificial grass is more costly than that of seeding or sodding a new lawn.   The artificial turf base and turf itself needs to be properly prepared and fitted by turf professionals that know how to create the best draining, most durable and smoothest surface possible.  But, artificial turf is a lot less expensive in the long run over the life of the grassy area.  There are no mowing or mowing related costs such as gasoline, mowers, trimmers, edgers, etc. And there are no fertilizers, insect treatment, weed control, aeration, de-thatching, re-seeding or re-sodding required. Just a leaf blower to blow off debris from time to time, a rake and a garden hose for rinsing the turf off every now and then.  

7. It’s Too Hot

Sure, artificial turf is a little warmer than natural grass.  But, it doesn’t typically get too hot to exercise or play on.  If there is ever worry as to it being a little warm, the turf can be sprayed down with water to make it up to 10 degrees cooler.  In the latest temperature studies analyzing the difference in warmth between natural and artificial grass, the studies show that at 2 feet above the surface, the temperature is on average 4 degrees warmer on artificial grass than natural grass.  At 5 feet above the surface, the difference in temperature is less than one degree warmer for artificial turf.   

8. Pets Make Artificial Grass Smell

Pet owners clean up pet waste from natural grass areas already. There is usually not much left on the surface after the pet’s elimination has been picked up.  If there is a little left on the surface, a simple rinse with a hose will wash away any urine or leftover material.  

9. Using Artificial Grass Limits Your Landscape Options

All landscape options are available with artificial turf, just like they are with natural grass.  In fact, there are potentially more options available with artificial turf since it can be combined in the landscape with natural grass as well. Trees can be planted within artificial turf areas, as well as bushes, flowers, shrubs, etc.

10. There’s No Maintenance

There is some minor maintenance involved with artificial turf.  When leaves fall on the turf they need to be blown away or raked off.  If sticky substances or food are spilled on the turf, the messes will need to be washed or cleaned off.  And the turf may need a rinsing every so often to remove dust, pollen or too much pet elimination.  Aside from that, there is very little maintenance to perform with artificial turf.

Many of the myths above have been circulating for 40 – 50 years, long before the current crop of professionally engineered artificial turf hit the market.  The basic facts are that artificial turf is twice to three times more economical than natural grass over its lifespan.  Artificial grass is also better for the environment and takes a lot less time to maintain over the years.  If you are interested in saving time and money, then you should seriously consider artificial turf for your next project.  You will be glad you did.

10 Reasons to Choose Artificial Grass

Everyone enjoys a beautiful, lush lawn that is a consistently green, eye-pleasing, soft to walk on and keeps dirt at bay. Businesses and homeowners alike have strived for decades to remain one step ahead of Mother Nature and maintain crowd-pleasing lawns and swaths of grass.  It is a never-ending battle that can be thrown off course by any number of missteps, unfortunate incidents or just plain old bad luck.

Some enjoy battling the elements, insect plagues, turf diseases, water shortages, shade, pet overuse and a myriad of other ailments that can dramatically affect the look and durability of natural turf.  And these efforts can and do succeed.  When they do prevail they are worthy of praise and admiration because the vast majority of people aren’t able or willing to spend the time to create the “perfect lawn”. 

Luckily with today’s amazing scientific advances in turf technology, we are able to recreate the perfect grass for any situation or circumstance.  There are so many varieties to choose from for every purpose imaginable, and artificial grass features very little maintenance, no disease problems, no pests, no more mud, no wear and tear and no more fighting the elements for that perfect lawn or strip of grass.

So, even though maintaining a natural lawn to exacting standards is a noble endeavor, many more are able to enjoy that “perfect lawn” by installing artificial grass.  It also frees up a lot more time and provides the perfect win-win situation.  

Below are 10 really compelling reasons to choose artificial grass over natural grass.  They are definitely worth a close examination, especially if you enjoy that perfect lawn without all the work and hassle.  You can now have your cake and eat it too.

1. Looks Great

If you want a perfect looking, consistently green and manicured grassy area or lawn year-round, then artificial grass is the way to go.  Without a tremendous time and resource investment on a year-round basis, there is not a better solution.  You can also say goodbye to brown, dormant grass for 6 months a year and hello to a perfectly green yard all year long.

2. Very Low Maintenance

What’s not to like about a low maintenance yard. That is unless you enjoy spending hours upon hours each week maintaining a natural grass area or lawn.  Natural grass needs to be watered, mowed, edged, weeded, fertilized, pest controlled, re-seeded, and the list goes on. Artificial grass only needs the occasional rinsing and leaf/debris removal, which can typically be performed with a leaf blower.  Artificial grass also brings more peace to the family.  No longer is there a need to argue over who’s turn it is to mow and maintain the grass each week.

3. Saves Water, $$ and The Environment

Watering a natural grass area or lawn can be a big expense when the rains don’t come.  For a quarter of an acre lot, the water bill each year can easily reach over $2,000. And that is each and every year. Not to mention the wasted potable water that could be used for more important purposes than irrigating a lawn. Artificial grass also saves $$ when lawn equipment, gasoline, fertilizer, weed control, pest control, grass seed/replacement, etc. don’t have to be purchased.  This is an additional savings of several thousand per year. As our water resources become more and more strained and harder to secure, artificial grass will become more important to our pocketbooks and environment.

4. A Time Saver

Winter brings a nice respite from lawn duties. Late fall through most of the winter means a lot less work is required to maintain natural grass.   This affords the opportunity to do other things and enjoy interests outside of our yards.  Instead of spending 3 – 4 hours each week for 8 months a year maintaining natural grass, that time can be spent doing other endeavors.  If you add all that time up over the eight months of the natural grass growing season, it equates to 100 plus hours of time spent growing natural turf.  That’s more than 4 entire days that can be rescued if artificial grass is installed.

5. Reduces Allergies

Grasses contribute to a lot of airborne allergies. Artificial grass eliminates this issue. It also eliminates mold and mildew which can grow in natural grasses that may not drain well.

6. Pet Proof

Both pets and pet parents love artificial grass. No more holes to dig or escapes under fences. No more pee stains that burn and kill the grass, and no more worn areas or messy paws.  Pets can lay down on artificial grass without getting dirt and debris all over their fur. 

7. Environmentally Friendly

Without the need to send grass clippings to the local dump, add fertilizer, pest and weed control chemicals and anti-fungal concoctions to the environment, artificial grass becomes a good solution for remaining as environmentally friendly as possible.

8. No Messy Feet or Paws

With artificial grass, messy feet and paws are relegated to the history book.  It can be such a relief to let pets in and out without having to worry about wiping their paws off each time they re-enter the house.   And businesses can rest assured that their interiors will remain cleaner as well.

9. Toxin Free

Artificial grass contains no toxins and there won’t be any added chemicals from fertilizers, pest control or weed control chemicals.

10. It “Grows” Anywhere

Natural grass doesn’t grow everywhere.  It doesn’t like too shaded, too wet or too dry of an area.  The soil even has to be the right composition to maintain a healthy lawn.  Artificial grass doesn’t care.  It “grows” anywhere and everywhere.  And it especially “likes” shaded areas where natural grass just won’t grow.

There are many considerations to weigh when it comes to deciding if artificial or natural grass is the best option for your project. In the end, if you desire to save a lot of time, enjoy a low maintenance area, a green lawn year-round, an environmentally friendly solution and turf that will be at home in the sun or dense shade, then artificial grass may be the way to go.

Maintenance-Free Grass

Until recent advances in synthetic grass technology, “maintenance-free” grass was truly an oxymoron.  The development, nurturing and maintenance of natural grass turf is a full-time job no matter how you slice it.  Between watering, mowing, edging, pest and weed control, fertilizing, aerating, de-thatching, re-seeding and a multitude of additional tasks, keeping up a great looking natural grass area or lawn is a lot of work each and every week.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.  “Maintenance-free” synthetic turf is now available for any type of project or need.  Why spend thousands each year while at the same time releasing tens of thousands of gallons of water into the ground when an occasional sprinkling of synthetic turf is all that may be needed.  Why spend hundreds of dollars each year on fertilizer, pest and weed control and gasoline for the maintenance of natural grass?  And why spend 4 full days a year mowing, edging, aerating, de-thatching and putting down chemicals when just a few hours a year could be spent simply using a leaf blower, rake or a simple rinse to remove any leaves or debris.

The questions above are definitely worth contemplating.  To have the ability to save so much time and money year after year is definitely worth a look.  And to be able to enjoy a great looking, green, lush and inviting yard year-round without hardly lifting a finger…is priceless.  

There are various synthetic turf types for different purposes.  Below is a listing of the various synthetic turf types and their typical purpose.  It will give you an idea of which turf may be the best fit for your project. 

Putting Green / Driving Range Synthetic Grass

This synthetic grass is perfect for Custom Golf Putting Greens, Tee Boxes, Tee Lines and Driving Ranges.  There are two completely different classifications of putting greens to meet your needs; Professional (True Putt) and Recreational.

Both of these Custom Putting Greens stay green year-round, allow for a true ball roll while putting, are longer-lasting, a lot less maintenance and don’t require any water, aeration, fertilizer or weed control…saving thousands each year.

Commercial True Putt Golf Greens feature completely customizable, professional-grade synthetic putting surfaces and are built and designed for the golf enthusiast.  These greens can accept chip shots from any distance and react with absolute, realistic ball control.  The speed of these greens accurately represents the speed of a real green (10-15 on the stimp meter). These greens are designed to emulate a bent grass putting green.  And you can choose to add a Custom Designed Sand Bunker to practice your game from the trap!

Playgrounds and Backyard Play Areas

Playgrounds, Recreation Centers, Schools, Child Care Facilities, Backyard Playgrounds, and common use areas get a lot of traffic and abuse.  Playground Grass inevitably gets torn up and bare patches turn to mud. Maintenance work, water expenses, fertilizer, weed control, and labor never end, and in turn, the constant need for mowing produces unwanted noise, pollution and can interfere with play schedules.

Playground Surfaces are a fine balance between affordability and functionality.  Commercial Artificial Playground Grass eliminates all of the above issues and a lot more.  Artificial Playground Turf is a great solution that will pay big dividends in the long run.

This playground grass is extremely durable, non-abrasive, and has a soft, natural feel to it.  It has more cushioning than natural grass, so it’s safer to play on and meets fall-impact requirements for children, thanks to the IPEMA Certified Playground System.  This Child Care Playground Grass padding can cushion falls from six feet to over ten feet and meets American Society for Testing and Materials standards.

These playground systems are engineered to provide a safe and natural-looking surface for any application where safety is the top priority.  They will provide you with a clean, safe, allergen and insect-free environment for children to enjoy for many years to come.   And Residential Play Area Grass is an excellent choice for home applications.

Pet Grass

Pet Turf is perfect for pets and pet owners.  Approximately 50% of the households in this country have one or several dogs.  Pets are extremely important to their owners and in most cases are considered family.  When pet owners are choosing their dog’s vacation stay they don’t want to send their beloved family member to a hot concrete jungle or a muddy, worn out strip of overused grass.   They want to send their family pet to a nice environment that doesn’t look all worn down from hundreds of dogs.   Pet owners want the very best conditions possible, since they may already feel guilty enough for leaving Fido behind.

Installing specially designed pet grass will give your entire facility a beautiful, fresh look, and it will make playtime and cleanup almost effortless.  Your facility will stay beautiful and green all year-round, and no more worrying about brown spots from urine or filling holes dug by your tenants.  Pet grass provides optimal drainage at a rate of up to 30 inches per hour/sq. ft.  Best of all, K9 Artificial Pet Turf provides a comfortable play surface every canine can appreciate.

Home applications are also appropriate for this turf.  Giving your pet a much more durable and clean surface on which to run and play can eliminate injuries, keep paws from becoming muddy, eliminate digging, and allow for easy cleanup of elimination events.  It also keeps pets from digging holes and digging under the fence to escape.

Commercial Landscapes

It’s important to maintain a strong curb appeal while navigating the unique requirements of managing a business, city, multifamily or community property.  Synthetic Commercial Landscape Grass can dramatically reduce overall water consumption and lower your grounds maintenance costs.  With this grass, you will be improving curb appeal as well as property marketability.  These enhancements can be as simple as a putting green at a retirement center or a pet run at an apartment complex.  Artificial Landscape Grass brings color and cleanliness to all applications.

From office complexes, apartments, student housing and HOA’s, to cities and school districts, more businesses and government agencies are turning toward Synthetic Landscape Grass for a plethora of reasons.  But, the main reasons are cost savings, environmental conservation, and appearance.

Athletic and Recreation Fields

Athletic andRecreation Field Artificial Grass is the ideal solution for many different applications, including high school, professional, municipal and intramural fields.  No matter the use or sport, Athletic and Recreation Synthetic Grass is specialized for sports and recreation and can be a great alternative to traditional grass.  Athletic and recreation field grass options are created to maximize performance, stability, and safety.

Rooftop and Decks

Roof Decks, Balconies & Patios make wonderful additions to homes, condos, townhomes, and apartments.  They become even nicer when they feature a surface which is functional, attractive, durable, creates a relaxing mood and ambiance and makes a guest feel right at home.  Rooftop Grass, Balcony andPatio Turf make all the difference in creating a comfortable and enjoyable living and entertaining space.

If time and money are important aspects to consider when it comes to grass maintenance, then taking a serious look at synthetic grass would make sense.  It has a lot of upsides and very few downsides.  Artificial grass is easy on the eyes, requires very little to no water, no chemicals, no mowing or edging, no aerating and doesn’t create muddy foot or paw prints.  It’s a win-win all around.